DEI Oil Rug

Spilt oil is messy, time consuming to clean up, a potential accident waiting to happen and a health hazard.
Luckily DEI offers a way to keep a garage or work area clean and mess free. DEI’s new Oil Rug quickly absorbs oily spills and drips to keep a work area tidy and accident free.

DEI’s Oil Rug can be used for any small engine repair and makes a great addition to the work bench of the occasional Do-It-Yourself-er, as well as a required safety product for auto care professionals. Applications include placement under motorcycles and cars when parked in the garage or bench top repairs for transmissions, small engines or any project that can cause an oily mess.

The oil rug is designed with completely sealed and welded edges and will hold up to 450gms of oil without leaking before requiring disposal. A plastic disposal bag is included with each DEI Oil Rug.

Oil Rug is available in three sizes:
Small – Part #010750 (12” x 18”), 30 x 45cms approx.
Medium – Part #010751 (18” x 24”) 45 x 60cms approx.
Large – Part #010752 (29” x 48”). 74 x 122cms approx.

For more information about DEI’s full line of safety products, visit

In the UK & Europe DEI Oil Rug may be ordered from

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