Mini Spares Window Winder Mechanisms for classic Mk3 Minis

As classic cars get older the window winder gears wear giving rise to ‘clunking’, sticking and eventually total failure.

Original Mini window winders that are in good condition are hard to find but, thankfully, Mini Spares has now produced its own version of right and left winder mechanisms to fill the void.

The mechanisms are supplied as complete units on their backplates, ready to install.
Right hand can be ordered as CZH646 and left as CZH647.

Both items retail at £90.00 inc VAT each.

Note: You can identify which unit is for which side as the locating tab faces towards the front of the car, arms bending outwards when at top. The rear arm protrudes further from the regulator body.

For more details contact Mini Spares on
+44 1707 607700 or visit their website: