Mini Spares Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters were fitted to classic Minis from 1990 on and UK owners need to ensure their ‘cats’ are in good working order when the annual MOT test comes around. Even if your Mini is exempt from compulsory testing it’s still good practice to have it tested to check for any faults you may have missed and to ensure that it is environmentally friendly in the light of climate change.

In other territories, notably parts of the EU, testing may be even more stringent than in the UK.

Thankfully, Mini Spares produces replacement catalytic converters to satisfy most regulations.

The RV8009 will fit all ‘cat’ equipped Minis and as it is made to original specifications it meets UK MOT requirements. It retails at just £54.40 inc. VAT.

For cars which need to conform to EU regulations there is RV8009E at £76.80 inc. VAT (currently 87.55€) which is outwardly identical to RV8009 but has been TüV approved for use in the EU.

For those looking for a little more performance, there is the RC40-015 Millennium Range Sports Type Catalytic Converter with a 200 cell core. This will also fit all ‘cat’ equipped Minis and retails at £216.00 inc. VAT.

Mini Spares also stocks all of the required studs and nuts needed to fit these ‘cats’.

For more details contact Mini Spares on
+44 1707 607700 or visit their website: