DEI Powersports Oil Rug

Provides a Cleaner, Mess Free Work Area

Changing oil is always messy. Now, DEI Powersports offers a way to keep a garage or work area clean and mess free. DEI’s new Oil Rug quickly absorbs oily spills and drips. It is an inexpensive and simple way to increase safety and cleanliness whether it is in a personal garage or professional repair facility.

DEI’s Oil Rug is also useful for any small engine repair and makes a great addition to the work bench of the occasional Do-It-Yourselfer or as a required safety product for repair professionals. Applications include placement under motorcycles and cars when parked in the garage, or bench top repairs for transmissions, small engines, master cylinders and any project that can cause an oily mess.

The Oil Rug features completely sealed and welded edges and will hold as much as 16 ounces (453.592g) of oil without leaking after which disposal is required. A plastic disposal bag is included with each Oil Rug.

Oil Rug is now available in three sizes:
Small – Part #010750 (approx. 30cm x 45cm) RRP £5.77
Medium – Part #010751 (approx. 45cm x 60cm) RRP £10.36
Large – Part #010752 (approx. 74cm x 122cm) RRP £33.33
(Prices shown may be subject to import tax, handling and shipping fees)

DEI Powersports are distributed in the UK and Europe by Parts Europe.
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