Mini Spares Boot Lid Stay Cables

Classic Minis have two, simple stay cables that stop the boot lid from crashing down and damaging the hinges, bumper and paintwork.

When one fails the other one probably won’t be far behind it, so Mini Spares recommend that both are replaced together. This will also ensure that the cables are the same length – the old cables will probably have stretched.

The cables are sold singly as part number 14A6740, but at just £2.82 inc VAT there is no excuse for not replacing them both at the same time.

If the original retainers are also in a dubious condition or the original spacers are missing, Mini Spares also offers a Boot Cable Fitting Kit including Spacers as part 14A6740FK at £5.40 inc VAT.

For more details contact Mini Spares on
+44 1707 607700 or visit their website: