Webcon Ford Pinto DGV/DGAV Linkage Kit

The original factory caburettor linkage for the Ford Pinto has not been available for many years. However, Webcon has now produced an almost exact recreation that will also enable the Ford 1.6/2.0 OHC engine to be converted to Twin Choke Weber power.

The LP4232 linkage kit can be used to connect a Weber 32/36DGV or DGAV to a Ford Pinto engine.

This top quality, Webcon manufactured, linkage kit retails at just £79.93 plus VAT, Webcon can also supply the manifold, air filter and DGV or DGAV carburettors for this conversion.

For further details contact Webcon UK on +44 (0)1932 787100 or visit www.webcon.co.uk